Get the most out of your remote team.

Strategies, tips and tools for leading your engineering team to high performance.

Receive tips and actionable insights about the process of designing, building and shipping products in a remote team.

Hi, I'm Piers.


I'm Piers. I've been leading engineers at high-growth companies for over a decade.

Today, it's easier than ever to lead a remote team: We have better tools and people are much more familar with remote work.

And when a remote team is consistently shipping work that matters—from all over the country—it can feel almost magical.

But, it doesn't always feel that way.

Sometimes the team isn't humming along. Sometimes you are worried that you're not leveraging everyone's full potential. You feel frustrated with the lack of visibility into progress. And, sometimes, the traditional tools and approaches just don't cut it.

In these times, managing feels like a slog rather than a joy. Rather than feeling in control, you feel overwhelmed. You may even reflect on how much easier it is in person.

That's where I can help you. I'll provide you with strategies, tips and tools to get your team into that flow state and stay there.

— Piers Rollinson

More about my story

How I can help you

I've built many systems and tools to help me lead more effectively.